
A few of the many amazing members of the BGF Tribe (Be Gracefully Fit).

Start your journey TODAY!

I lost weight and ate amazing food! Recipes were part of the plan. After losing 15 pounds on that challenge I then began the New Year Challenge to gain muscle and lean out. The results were amazing! Grace listens to you and your needs. She is very thorough when planning each step for you in the nutrition plan and gym plans. I am now on the Custom Gym Plan to gain muscle and lift heavier! She asks for updates monthly to see what I need to change or gain. I have been able to hit heavy PRs that I never thought I could do before!!

6 months of hard work, 3 back to back challenges with Gracefully Fit, tons of motivation and support, and a lot of sweat and some tears.Sunday I finished the Ignite Challenge with Grace and to see the difference from January to today is insane! I’m …

6 months of hard work, 3 back to back challenges with Gracefully Fit, tons of motivation and support, and a lot of sweat and some tears.

Sunday I finished the Ignite Challenge with Grace and to see the difference from January to today is insane! I’m officially 48lbs down from my starting weight and I couldn’t be happier! Grace pushed, motivated, guided and supported me throughout these last few months and I couldn’t have asked for a better trainer! I will always hands down recommend her to anyone who is looking for a physical trainer. Not only is she great, she’s also tough and will tell you how it is and that’s what I needed for my journey. I needed that tough love to push myself harder. Thank you Grace for being an inspiration and my hype woman!

Cheers to a healthier lifestyle and continuing my healing/ fitness journey!

60 Strong Challenge - WINNER 🎉
• Online program through the GF app + Custom meal plan •

⬇️ 20.6lbs in 60 days!
⬇️ 4.5in off waist

I started this challenge back in November to get my Tribe ready for the New Year. Giving each lady a jumpstart on their new lifestyles and resolutions for 2020 😍 And they all blew me away but PHEW this babe blew it out of the water! Check out that body stat graph! 🔥👏🏼 This babe worked her tail off and it shows!

“I enjoyed the 60 strong program and got the results I was looking for. I know I set my goal really high and didn't achieve my weight goal but I am stronger, leaner and prepared to continue. Thanks for your professionalism and encouragement. Now with the tools you have provided I can continue with my new healthier lifestyle.“

Nikki H.

Dec 19, 2019 I met Grace for the first time! I was in a dark place. I knew I hated my body and that none of my clothes fit right. I was living off of Caffeine and candy. She asked me what I needed to be successful.... I told her that I needed someone who wouldn’t let me quit and for someone to help spell out what I needed to eat. I needed accountability! She and I started training on Dec 26th (Not Jan 1 like I suggested). Since my time with Grace and Hailey I have lost 18.6 lbs. I’ve lost many inches. My clothes fit.. most are too big. I am eating delicious healthy food that changes monthly. I’m addicted to the gym I’ve been #1 most active at the gym two months running. I also got the privilege to train with Grace for 4 months and made a friend!! I know that now that she’s gone I have the tools to push forward online and keep at this! I’m grateful for my experiences and excited for the continuation of my journey!

Kelly A.

“My name is Kelley and I am a 32 year old mom of 2. My fitness journey has gone in so many directions I don’t even know where to start. Once my second child was born it was like a whole new world from the first time. I struggled to lose weight, I struggled with my nutrition on top of all of this we moved 700 miles from all of our friends and family for my husbands job. My anxiety returned big time and I began taking an anti anxiety medicine again which resulted in me gaining over 20 pounds in 8 months. All while working out and eating “well”. I finally got my medicine figured out but I was stuck nothing I was doing was working to lose any weight. I stumbled upon Gracefully Fit somehow right as the Evolve challenge was about to start. I needed something for me and I jumped in and joined Grace and Hailey. I did every single workout and stuck to my meal plan. I was determined that something had to change. I can’t say enough about how great this has been for me and how much better I feel. During these 6 weeks I learned so much about the gym and my body and how to build muscle the right way. I learned better portions for my food and good healthy options for foods I love. I worked hard and I can’t wait to see what the next few months bring as I continue to train with the BGFTribe. I can’t thank you two enough. If you believe in yourself and have people like Gracefully fit supporting you then you can’t go wrong.”

“I am a mother of 3. Two biological, one adopted. I had two c sections, and after that I realized my body wasn't like it was before. I had a flab and stretch marks. I hated my body after my second child. I swore I would get back into the gym after I was finished nursing. I hated my body so much I was ashamed to go in and try to work out. I knew I wanted to lose weight and lift but did not know where to begin. I was ashamed of who I was. I found an ad followed it and met Grace! She was my saving grace so to speak. She got me into the gym and talked me through every struggle I have had. She made sure I was comfortable in the gym and helped me gain confidence i did not have before.
My goal was to lose weight and heavy lift. I am now down 25 pounds and 6 inches. I can run for a min without dying and am slowly moving into heavy deadlifts. I am more confident and now have the ability to keep up with my children. My goals are being reached one day at a time thanks to the work of Grace.” Daniella R

“I am so thankful for Grace and Hailey. I needed to get back on track with my fitness. I decided to join the 8 week Fall into Fitness Challenge. They were both so patient with me and my endless questions throughout the weeks. They checked in on me often to see how everything was going. In the beginning I set a goal for myself, to lose weight. They gave me a workout plan and meal plan to follow. Grace was awesome to create a workout plan for me that worked with my lifestyle of being a stay at home mom. The workouts were challenging and I was super happy with my progress throughout the weeks. Grace even changed up some of my workouts during the 8 weeks when I talked to her about wanting something a little more challenging. By the end of the 8 weeks I had not only reached my goals, but even exceeded them. I was able to lose 13 pounds during the challenge! The nutrition plan guided me to make a lifestyle change. I plan to to work with both ladies again as I continue my fitness journey and set new goals for myself. I highly recommend them & absolutely feel that anyone can find success if they put in the effort!”

Brittany J.“So I used to be active duty Army, then I had a baby. I kept that pregnancy weight, then got out active duty and moved over to the National Guard. Dealing with the transition of going from military to civilian, along with going back to sc…

Brittany J.

“So I used to be active duty Army, then I had a baby. I kept that pregnancy weight, then got out active duty and moved over to the National Guard. Dealing with the transition of going from military to civilian, along with going back to school full time, being a new mom and having anxiety and depression really took a toll on me. I continue to gain more weight. It wasn’t in till I went on a cruise last year and saw pictures of how big I’ve gotten plus failing my first PT test ever since I’ve been in the military for 6 years was when I was like “girl you need to make a change. “I would put in some work going to the gym and partly eat right, but I wasn’t seeing real results. After seeing me struggle for a couple of months, that’s when my husband suggested I go get a personal trainer. I took his advice, found Grace on Facebook and the rest is history. I started off with 2x a week, 1 hr sessions, but with my crazy life schedule, I couldn’t keep with consistency, so I moved over to an online client and it’s been amazing. One thing I love about Grace is how down to earth, relatable and realistic she is. She isn’t one of those fly by night trainers. She actually cares. She’s gone through some real stuff that we can all relate to. Over all I’ve lost 12 lbs and 5 inches around my waist. I still have a while to go (I have 2 out of the country vacations I’m going on later this year) but I just want to thank show my progress and thank Grace for believing in me and having faith when I didn’t and showing me the correct way to lose weight and keeping it off.”

“As someone who is constantly on the run, “diets” have never worked for me. I would do great for the first week and then would fall off the path. Grace showed me how to make healthy long-lasting lifestyle changes and introduced me to great workout p…

“As someone who is constantly on the run, “diets” have never worked for me. I would do great for the first week and then would fall off the path. Grace showed me how to make healthy long-lasting lifestyle changes and introduced me to great workout plans that included cardio and weight training. After the first week, I knew I was hooked and this would be a new part of who I was. I now look forward to going to the gym and meal prepping. I LOVE Sunday weigh ins, and taking progress photos. Grace was there every single step of the way and answered any question I had. She even helped me modify my plan to fit my goals and body type. Even on my off days when I had low self-esteem she was there cheering me on. I would not be where I am with my body today without Grace, and I look forward to having her by my side the rest of my weight loss journey.” -Hannah H.

I am 24 years old wife and a dog mom of 3 hoping to start our family sooner rather than later. After high school I gained the freshman 15 x 2 I had a high metabolism from working out so much in my sports that I didn’t need to watch what I ate. So, when I got to college the weight started to catch up and I just couldn’t keep it off. I started working out but hated running when I didn’t have to. I began hating my body and temple that I once thought was p e r f e c t. Upon starting gracefully fit, I didn’t think I would stick to it, as I had failed numerous times before and even remember initially telling Grace, I know that I can do the workouts but it’s about being motivated. Word for word I said “I’m scared I’m not going to finish it  I want results just need motivation” and Grace’s response was “Girl that’s what I’m here for A huge part of what I do is pushing you through the challenge. And keeping you going through the low points” that was all I needed to hear. I was never hesitant with grace as a trainer more so in her ability to keep in contact with me and not fall off after a couple of weeks like trainers prior. She proved me SO wrong, up until the day she announced the winner of our group she was motivating us, keeping in touch and engaged in the program. After a few weeks into the program I spotted Grace at the same gym I use and immediately respected her more simply because I dislike training with someone who isn’t willing to follow their own workout and day after day I seen her completing rep after rep a few benches down. Grace is the sweetest trainer I have ever worked with and in what I lacked in motivation she gave me stability in myself just by telling me “you got this”. I will forever recommend people to her program as she has a variety of different ones but thus far the 8 week Gym Program is my go to. Grace was always available to answer questions and never seemed bother by the 8 billion questions I had along the way! H I G H L Y recommend @BeGracefullyFit


“I reached out to Grace in the middle of my fitness journey. I realized that what I was doing wasn’t working and I needed better direction to meet my health and fitness goals. Grace customized an online work out program for me. This was perfect for me because I’m a mom of two and an active duty service member. Having the online program at my fingertips was just what I needed for my busy lifestyle. I’ve fallen off the wagon with this program but I keep going back to it because it works! I feel confident when I go in the gym. I feel like I have direction and I feel like I know what I’m doing. Hailey also helped me with a custom meal plan. She customized this meal plan around what my body goals were. I still use the nutritional guidance I got from Hailey and Grace with most of my meals. So, a big thank you to Grace and Hailey. You’ve given me the tools I need to meet my nutrition and fitness goals.”

“I am one of those people who have tried every “magic” pill, shake, wraps, drinks. Anything that I thought would help me lose the weight without putting in the work. I had a million excuses for why I couldn’t workout until one day, I was finally sick of hating what I saw in the mirror. I randomly saw a post from Grace about her online 8 week challenge. I am a stay at home mom with a toddler. It was impossible for me to get a steady schedule at an actual gym, so I chose to do the home program. I honestly had zero expectations of this program working for me. I just told myself it was worth a shot and that I’d try my hardest. 8 weeks later and I honestly feel like a new person. It sounds incredibly cliche but I hate looking at pictures of myself from two months ago. I eat so much healthier and my body is thanking me for it. NONE of my clothes fit now. I’ve lost over 15 lbs in 8 weeks but it feels like more. All from changing my diet and following Grace’s workout plan. She answered all of my questions even when I was embarrassed to ask. She has such an inspiring and positive attitude towards her clients and I always look forward to talking to her about my progress. This has gotten way too long but I can’t say enough good things about Grace and her programs. I’m starting one on one training now and I can’t wait to hit my next goal. You will definitely not regret giving her programs a shot. She gives you the guidance and you put in the work. It’s as simple as that!”

"Grace I could write forever how much better I feel. I still have goals, but I’m super thankful to have met you. I am a mother of three first , military spouse second, full-time career women, older sister, daughter the list goes on and on. At one po…

"Grace I could write forever how much better I feel. I still have goals, but I’m super thankful to have met you. I am a mother of three first , military spouse second, full-time career women, older sister, daughter the list goes on and on. At one point, many times in my life, I always try to fit “me” on the list, but something always comes before it. I’m always on the go because I want my children to participate in after school activities and enjoy their childhood. My career as a child care director called for me to come in before the sun came up and at times kept me at work hours after the sun went down. Meals were always quick and easy or better yet made by the wonderful people at fast food restaurants. I am a petite women and a few pounds means the weight of sumo wrestlers are on my shoulders. My body started aching, finger start swelling, tightness, numbing all part of my self-esteem dropping. A few months ago my husband was given orders to move to Kentucky and a few weeks after he came home with Military Ball tickets. Of course everything in my closet didn’t fit!! That was it!!!! No more excuses!!!! A change was going to happen and it needed to start with me. As 2017 starts coming to a conclusion and the holiday festivities begin I ask myself .... Will my holiday dress fit ?? Will the relatives notice I have gained a little weight? What will social media have to say about the pictures I post? Well after working out with Grace for the past three months I’m so excited to not have to worry about the answers to those questions. I have lost 10lbs and my eating habits are getting better. I’m super excited about my new goals.... running in a marathon, lifting weights to tone and define, and most importantly fitting into a two piece for the summer. I can’t thank Grace enough for pushing me to the limit and teaching me along the way."

ALL Clients gave consent to be featured.